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Delight your shoppers with a personalized shopping experience

About Salesforce Retail Cloud

Salesforce Retail Cloud connects you with your shoppers in a new and personalized way. It engages them through branded shopping applications via web, mobile, email and social media. It helps your stores stay connected. Retail Cloud creates a community for shoppers for collaboration and problem solving.

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Engage with your shoppers online through self-service, with chat agents, over email, over social media, over the phone or at your stores

B2C & B2B unified multi-channel experience

Businesses and consumers will enjoy shopping for your products and services in a seamless experience, regardless of the channel of engagement


Reach your shopper with the perfect personalized message

Deliver a personalized and rewarding experience to your target audience by aggregating shopping data and insights into a complete marketing journey

Empower your employees to service your shoppers

Managing your employees' experience from hire to retire and empowering them to collaborate and service the shoppers in a collaborative, productive and insightful mechanism.

Get insights during your peak and off seasons.

Create personalized 1-to-1 marketing shopper journeys

Engage shoppers through mobile and social media

Sell smartly to both businesses and consumers

Connect and collaborate with shoppers through an engaging community

Infuse Artificial Intelligence across all journeys

Supercharge knowledge workers with the tools that boost their collaboration and productivity 

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